Home DotNetNews № 8

DotNetNews № 8

A year ago I started to write the DotNetNews into this channel to make .net community more united. But in the last of DNN I’m did not received a feed back and decided that DNN is not useful for anyone except me and stopped publish it. But I got positive feedback about DNN(a year after!) and I’ll keep publish DNN, but change the format. It will focus mainly on .Net and MS tech, but from time to time there will be articles about dev processes, devops, common dev questions, clouds and architecture questions. DNN is moved to new channel #dotnet-news. The main reasons are to not bothering you if you are not interested in and to get you opportunity to have a chat on news. Join the channel and do not forget to leave feedback.

Dotnet-monitor - it’s like cAdvisor, but for .Net apps

Developers are a bit lazy, right? We don’t want write infrastructure glue-code, we want to focus on feature code. Dotnet-monitor can collect metrics, logs, traces, make a dump of process without any lines of code! Just run it in the docker with your app and link it together! This tool is

an experimental project and not a committed product

So I will hope the project will evolve:)

It easy to run it! Follow this article, it will take ~5min(docker will download images 90% of time)

Still pixelize your private data?

Simple pizelizers can be unsecured. Here is script.

How often do you want to know what’s going on under the hood of some library you use in your app? Especially when somethings is not working as expected. Visual studio can do this now! VS download the source code and step in library source code! Yes, it should be working in the same way as Reshaper and Rider. But… It will work if the library was build with Source Link feature.

A bit more info about this feature and how to enable it in IDE you use

How to create package with Source Link


Developers are a bit lazy, right? Need to update libraries in your project to latest, but don’t want to do it manually? Just install dotnet-outdated tool and run in solution folder

dotnet outdated -u -vl major

The tool will updates all libraries to latest minor versions. All you need is run the test, commit and make PR. It’s on GitHub

Channels In C# .NET Core - It like concurrent queue with async taste

Did you hear about the new type “Channel” that was released in .Net Core 3? I prefer to use it in all my new projects(mostly pet-project) because it thread-safe and build with async operations in mind. And yes, it has IAsyncEnumerable on the reader side and uses ValueTask. Also, it has and an indicator that the channel is closed, that very useful on graceful shutdown and so on. I recommend to try it, it may fit all your needs :) Using Channels In C# .NET Core – Part 1 – Getting Started, Using Channels In C# .NET Core – Part 2 – Advanced Channels, Using Channels In C# .NET Core – Part 3 – Understanding Back Pressure

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